Video Projects



This was directed, filmed, and edited by Leila Sanchez-O’Hara, and Evan Misas is the leading actor. The song used is “Water” By Juan Wauters. Leila Sanchez-O'Hara’s Identity starring Evan Misas, is an experimental representation of a person in the past and in the present, showing their memories of light and joy, and present of doubt and darkness.

Day In the Life Grieving


Leila Sanchez-O’Hara directs, films, edits, and stars in her video, Day in the Life Grieving. Mount Eerie’s “Ravens” is the song being used in the video. This video was made after Leila had been violated and was dealing with the grief and uncomfortable feelings felt after dealing with such an event. She poured those feelings out into this video, recording how her day felt as she dealt with these emotions.

High School Projection Video


This video was directed, filmed, and edited by Leila Sanchez-O’Hara. The band Thanksgiving'‘s song “The River” plays in the background. Leila made this video a month before graduating from Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, and made it to reflect on the times she had and the people she met. This video was projected onto her mixed-media painting, “Floating Through Limbo.”

Quarantine Biking


This video was directed, filmed, and edited by Leila Sanchez-O’Hara. Lindsay Shepperd stars as the main character. Leila made this a year after the Quarantine ended, as she could not contain the memories she received from bike rides in her head. During the Quarantine, Leila would bike almost every day with a close friend while dealing with anorexia nervosa. A year after this, everyone had returned to school and work like normal, and Leila had recovered from anorexia, no longer being friends with the person she spent quarantine with. Leila made this film to reflect the flashbacks and overall mood she experienced while presently biking in places she would always be during quarantine. Bike rides were suddenly flooded with memories of those bittersweet times: intimate and joyous moments with her friend and traumatizing reminders of the loneliness felt with her previous disorder. The cuts back and forth represent scenes being remembered. Leila filmed this while trailing behind Lindsay on her bike and skateboard.



This video was directed, filmed, and edited by Leila Sanchez-O’Hara and stars Oscar Daza. The band Duster’s song “Me and the Birds” plays in the background. The video represents someone confused with their life and wanting to escape.


Laser-Cut Profile Installation


Journal Sketches